Friday, March 1, 2013


          Look at my Guinea Pig :D


Ahh, the end of the term. No more Multimedia class. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! NO MORE SLY!!!!! :D I've never been so happy in my life ((:

No, not really Sly. I know that's how it seems, but honestly, I'm gonna miss the *beep* out of you. You're an amazing teacher, and you're super awesome and funny. Sadly, I don't have you next term. But I shall come visit you someday....someday..

Oh, and P.s,
This will still be my favorite picture ever, you still haven't drawn me yet. I'm disappointed.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well, good morning everyone. I've gotten so many compliments today, kinda wierd for me. I put my contacts on, and did my makeup for my assignment in my Makeup class, and everyone keeps telling me I look pretty. Hm. How to react to this? Obviously I'm not pretty enough on other days. Just kidding. I could care less. Anywho, today at school were doing a bunch of finals. This is the last week of the term. Thank god. Then three more months of school. YAY. I can't wait for summer. Not because of the reason everyone else is, I don't wanna go out and party and going swimming 24/7. This summer is MY summer. This summer I get to spend it with my boyfriend. This summer, will be the absolute best. Oh, and also, this summer I get my licence (; Well, in April, but you know what I mean. I'm excited. I'm pretty excited for my new schedule for school. I get my photography class, and I get to have it with my bestfriend in the world, Courtney. DOUBLE YAY. I'll most likely post my photography on here. Hmm. There's nothing else that I can think of to talk about. Oh well. I'm tired..

Till later,

Monday, February 25, 2013


I just thought I'd show you guys what the new Powerpuff Girls look like. Prepare yourself.. 

The caption fits so well.. Childhood = Ruined.


Well, It's been a few days since I've wrote anything on here.. Hmm. What shall I talk about today? I helped my grandma get a new car! Woot. So awesome. Friday was the Talent Show at my school, and it was pretty freakin' amazing. My lovely friend Jack was in it. And I totally fan-girled EVERYWHEREEEE. IT WAS WONDERFUL. Two guys played Tribute by Tenicous D. Love ittt. Ahh. So my boyfriend and I are doing well, just incase you're wondering. So, I just found out Cartoon Network is re-making the Powerpuff girls. And the new design is HORRIBLE. Ew. >.> I'm annoyed now. I'm gonna go.

Till later,

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Good morning to whoever is creeping on my blog today. Gained more views. How? Dunno. But it's whatever. How have you guys been? I guess you can't respond to me.. But who cares. I'm just sitting my Multimedia class. Has anything exciting been going on today? Hmm. Oh! I found out there's a girl at my school, who has a huge crush on me. Someone I would have NEVER expected. Her name is Brea. She's beautiful. Such a sweet girl. She brought me a rose today for a late Valentines day present. It was cute. But she knows I have a boyfriend.. And I honestly wouldn't leave him for anyone. Plus, Brea and I don't really talk much, so I'd need to get to know her more. I don't really know anything about her. But it's always nice to meet someone new, nonetheless. I guess we'll see how it goes. On other news, Night of Scenes is tonight. It's something my school does, where people act out scenes from movies, or whatever they want. I've never been to one. You know, now that I think of it... I've never been to any of my schools programs. No dances, no after school stuff. Nothing. Hm.. I have no school spirit. Suckish. Oh well. Alrighty, well I'm gonna go now. I'm trying to figure out what to make my banner look like for this blog.. Yeah. No clue.

Till later,

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Alrighty, I'm posting this from my phone, because I won't have access to a computer at school today. Maybe I will post after school. Yeah. Let's try that. Hmm. So what's on the agenda today? Workshop Wednesday at school. Ew. -.- The worst. I hate it. But I gotta go. Drama awaits -.-

Till later,