Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Well, good morning everyone. I've gotten so many compliments today, kinda wierd for me. I put my contacts on, and did my makeup for my assignment in my Makeup class, and everyone keeps telling me I look pretty. Hm. How to react to this? Obviously I'm not pretty enough on other days. Just kidding. I could care less. Anywho, today at school were doing a bunch of finals. This is the last week of the term. Thank god. Then three more months of school. YAY. I can't wait for summer. Not because of the reason everyone else is, I don't wanna go out and party and going swimming 24/7. This summer is MY summer. This summer I get to spend it with my boyfriend. This summer, will be the absolute best. Oh, and also, this summer I get my licence (; Well, in April, but you know what I mean. I'm excited. I'm pretty excited for my new schedule for school. I get my photography class, and I get to have it with my bestfriend in the world, Courtney. DOUBLE YAY. I'll most likely post my photography on here. Hmm. There's nothing else that I can think of to talk about. Oh well. I'm tired..

Till later,

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