Thursday, February 21, 2013


Good morning to whoever is creeping on my blog today. Gained more views. How? Dunno. But it's whatever. How have you guys been? I guess you can't respond to me.. But who cares. I'm just sitting my Multimedia class. Has anything exciting been going on today? Hmm. Oh! I found out there's a girl at my school, who has a huge crush on me. Someone I would have NEVER expected. Her name is Brea. She's beautiful. Such a sweet girl. She brought me a rose today for a late Valentines day present. It was cute. But she knows I have a boyfriend.. And I honestly wouldn't leave him for anyone. Plus, Brea and I don't really talk much, so I'd need to get to know her more. I don't really know anything about her. But it's always nice to meet someone new, nonetheless. I guess we'll see how it goes. On other news, Night of Scenes is tonight. It's something my school does, where people act out scenes from movies, or whatever they want. I've never been to one. You know, now that I think of it... I've never been to any of my schools programs. No dances, no after school stuff. Nothing. Hm.. I have no school spirit. Suckish. Oh well. Alrighty, well I'm gonna go now. I'm trying to figure out what to make my banner look like for this blog.. Yeah. No clue.

Till later,

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